There are a thousand and one ways to help Maëline. We have chosen for her to take up a challenge and swim for 24 hours!
The association Le Chemin de Maëline was created a year ago. Laetitia, Maëline’s mother is licensed at the Spondyle Club of Antibes. We followed her pregnancy, then the arrival of Maëline, the discovery of her illness, her evolution… It seemed obvious to us to help them in this daily fight.
The case of Maëline is extremely rare, she is the only case in France. Being an orphan disease, there is currently no research in progress.
Through this sporting event we hope to raise enough funds to be able to finance sustained rehabilitation courses essential for his progress and development.
For example, Maëline’s last internship took place in Poland in September 2021. 15 intensive days at the rate of 4 hours of daily rehabilitation, which allowed her to acquire the prehension of objects, and reinforced her support on her upper members.
These courses are essential and must be repeated at least 2 to 3 times a year. But they represent a significant budget of €4,000 per course.
24 hours of Finswimming – Antibes (France)
Start Date: May 14th, 2022 | End Date: May 15th, 2022