For the seventh time, with the will of establishing a new tradition is printed the 7th Young – 15 years old and younger – Finswimmers World Meeting.
Entries must be sent by e-mails to: and
26th November 2021. Friday
-15.00 – arrival of teams, (Kecskeméti Fürdő), payment of participant fee and accommodation fee.
-17.00 – 19.00 training possibility
27th November 2021. Saturday
-09:00-10:00 warming up
-10:10 Opening Ceremony
-10.30 Competition
50 m Apnea boys /girls Cat. „C”
200 m Bifins boys /girls Cat. „E”, „D”, „C”
200 m Surface boys /girls Cat. “E”, „D”, „C”
Award Ceremonies
50 m Bifins boys /girls Cat. “E”, „D”, „C”
50 m Surface boys /girls Cat. “E”, „D”, “C”
400 m Bifins boys /girls Cat. “E”, “D”, “C”
400 m Surface boys /girls Cat. “E”, “D”, “C”
4×100 m Bifins Mix Cat. “E”, “D”, “C”
Award Ceremonies
28th November 2021. Sunday
-09:00-10:00 warming up
-10:10 Competition
100 m Surface boys/girls Cat. “E”, „D”, „C”
100 m Bifins boys/girls Cat. “E”, „D”, „C”
4×50 m Surface Mix Cat. “E”, „D”, „C”
Award Ceremonies
The place of the event is the Kecskeméti Fürdő; Kecskemét – Hungary (address: 6000. Kecskemét, Csabay Géza krt. 5.)
Indoor pool, 50 m long with 10 lanes; Electric time keeping system; Water temperature: 26±1°C