Malaysia Finswimming Association, in collaboration with Singapore Finswimming is bringing you “Get To Know Finswimming“. All existing finswimmers as well as others who wants to know about finswimming can take this opportunity to understand more about finswimming. Coach Desmond Ho…
Nutrition & Finswimming – Survey

Purpose To understand the nutritional knowledge and behavior of Finswimmers across multiple countries where the sport has a high population of peopletraining and competing. Participant requirements We are interested from those that: Have been training and competing in finswimming for…
Cairo Winter Finswimming Championships 2022 – Egypt

On Februrary 4th-13th 2022, the Cairo Winter Finswimming Championships 2022 will be held in the city of Cairo (Egypt). RESULTS Youcan find more detailed information visiting the official Facebook page of Cairo Finswimming: Here the official program of the…
The World Games 2022 – Finswimming participants

The time is coming! Finally we have the first participant names for the next World Games 2022, that will be held in the city of Birmingham (USA) on July 7th-17th 2022. This list is provisional, so every time CMAS communicates…
CMAS Finswimming World Series

As appeared in the new official Finswimming CMAS Rules 2022, bublished only few days ago, CMAS introduced a new type of event called CMAS Finswimming World Series, in which a finswimmer, to be able to take part to this event,…