From now on, you can add your Finswimming event. After you will add, it will be processed and then published in the Finswimming Calendar. All the CMAS Finswimming events are already in the calendar. [MEC_fes_form]…
🇹🇳 Finswimming Tunisia National Championship
After 10 month we publish here the results about the Finswimming Tunisia Championship 2020, held in February 23th 2020 in Ezzahra. RESULTS [pdf-embedder url=”” title=”National competetion Ezzahra Tunis”]…
Join our Telegram Channel!
From now on Finswimmer Magazine has another way to spread Finswimming news all around the World. You can join out Telegram Channel by touching the following button! [wptelegram-ajax-widget widget_width=”100%” widget_height=”500″]…
🇵🇱 Poland Finswimming Championships 2020 – Results
The Polish Finswimming Championships 2020 have been held only some days ago. RESULTS…
Sport Motivation Survey
Our friend Zsófia from Hungary asks you to fill a Survey about Sport Motivation. Please help her. Dear underwater athletes! My name is Zsófia Kovács (Hungary). I’m an assistant lecturer and Ph.D. student at the University of Pécs. Earlier I…