Here the official Finswimming National Calendar for Czechia 2020. Calendar Czech Republic…
Italian Finswimming Calendar 2020

The 2020 Sports Calendar of the Italian Federation of Underwater Activities (FIPSAS) includes national and international competitions in finswimming. Calendar …
Colombia Finswimming Calendar 2020

The 2020 Sports Calendar of the Colombian Federation of Underwater Activities (FEDECAS) includes national and international competitions and training in the following modalities: apnea, diving, underwater hockey, fin swimming, underwater fishing, underwater rugby and underwater target shooting, which Organize or…
Argentina Finswimming Calendar 2020

The 2020 Calendar of the Argentine Underwater Activities (FAAS) includes national and international competitions and training in the following modalities: apnea, underwater hockey, fin swimming, underwater orientation and underwater fishing, which will be organized by the Federation or in which…
2nd Finswimming Workshop 2020 in Almafuerte, Córdoba – Argentina

Second workshop in the province of Córdoba. The FAAS Extension and Academic Training area continues to promote, support and project Underwater Sports throughout the country. On Saturday, February 22, 2020, the 2nd Open Water Swim Workshop will be held in…