Flippers Team – Tenero with SUSV/FSSS will organize the Swiss Open Championship 2017 – International meeting “Copa da Natal”. An International Finswimming Competition will be held in Tenero – Switzerland the December 2nd and 3rd 2017. The Competition will be held in:…
Asian Finswimming Championships 2017 – China [UPDATE]

The Korea Underwater Association has the pleasure to invite you and your Fnswimming team to participate in the Asian Finswimming Championships to be held in China from 7th December to 13th December 2017. WEB PAGE CMAS ASIA PDF (old)…
Results Venezuelan Championships Apnea and Finswimming – Caracas

The Venezuelan Federation of Underwater Activities FVAS and the PNUSUB CLUB organized the NATIONAL FINSWIMMING and APNEA CHAMPIONSHIP on Friday 29, Saturday 30, September and Sunday, October 01, 2017 at the Gregorio “Goyo” Tavio Pool Complex United) Caracas-Distrito Capital. Event…
I. Master’s Challenge Cup of Finswimming – Hungary

Organization of Competition I. Master’s Challenge of Finswimming is organized by Búvársuli SE on 18th November2017 in Dunaújváros. Address: Fabó Éva Swimming Pool, No9 Építők útja, Dunaújváros – Hungary Date: 18th November, 2017. E-mail: robi@buvarsulise.hu PDF I.Masters-challenge-competition…
Gara di Nuoto Pinnato Lugano Sub – Svizzera

Domenica 10 settembre 2017 si svolgerà una gara di Nuoto Pinnato a Lugano (Svizzera). La competizione si svolgerà presso il Lago di Lugano, crediamo in zona Paradiso. Lunghezza percorso 2’400 mt Briefing ore 11:45 Inizio gara ore 12:00 Premiazione alle…