Tampereen Urheilusukeltajat and Uimaseura Kangasalan Kuohu will organize with the permission from the Finnish Divers’ Federation and the Finnish Swimming Association the Open International FINNISH OPEN -competition in TAMPERE on the 11th and 12th of February, 2017 Venue: Tampereen Uintikeskus, Kaleva, Joukahaisenkatu…
Finswimming Copa da Natal 2016 – Switzerland

Flippers Team – Tenero with SUSV/FSSS will organize the International meeting “Copa da Natal”. An International Finswimming Competition will be held in Tenero – Switzerland the December 10th and 11th 2016. The Competition will be held in: “Centro Sportivo Nazionale…
Finswimmers World Games 2017 – Wroclaw (Poland)

This is the official temporary finswimming competitiors list that will take part to the World Games 2017 – Wroclaw (Poland)…
Calendar Finswimming World Cup 2017 – CMAS

The World Cups Finswimming calendar 2017 has been published on the official CMAS web site. We can see only 5 round including the Golden Final. 4 rounds in Europe and 1 in Africa. So South American or Asian finswimmers must travel a lot…
50th International Finswimming Cup – Rostock (DE)

Dear friends of Finswimming, for almost 50 years we celebrate our great sport with a competition that meanwhile got unique and special. It’s a great pleasure to invite you to the beautiful city of Rostock for the 50th International Finswimming Cup and celebrate this…