Today I would like to put forward a maybe crazy idea that jumped in my mind yesterday when I was thinking about a sport I’ve seen during my holidays in Sardinia, the Kitesurf. It is born just in 1999 and it is very famous all around the World. Well in this case this Sport, unless the presence of the water, has nothing to do with us, but I was just thinking what is the Italian word for it…and it doesn’t exist…it is the same for English, and also French, Spanish and so on…Oggi vorrei proporvi una idea forse un po’ pazza che mi è balenata in mente ieri mentre stavo ripensando ad uno sport che ho visto durante le mie vacanze in Sardegna, il Kitesurf. Nato nel 1999 e divenuto incredibilmente famoso in tutto il Mondo. Beh ovviamente in questo caso, a parte la presenza dell’acqua, questo sport non ha nulla a che vedere con noi, ma stavo solo cercando di capire quale fosse il nome italiano di tale sport…e non esiste…è chiamato nello stesso modo sia in Inglese, Francese, Spagnolo e così via……
Back to the past – Bolzano 1976

The Adige river in Italy was used once as place in which one of the best and hardest Finswimming Competition took place, it was called Coppa Primavera di Bolzano (now it is taken in the Monticolo lake) and it was valid as the Italian Round of the Coupe de Corlieu. It was exactly on May 23th 1976. This is a video from the far 1976 that shows about one hundred finswimmers was competing between the towns of Vilpiano e Ponte Adige with a total distance of 10 kms. At the end the winning went to the component of the Carabinieri Napoli Team, the great Paolo Vandini.The Adige river in Italy was used once as place in which one of the best and hardest Finswimming Competition took place, it was called Coppa Primavera di Bolzano (now it is taken in the Monticolo lake) and it was valid as the Italian Round of the Coupe de Corlieu. It was exactly on May 23th 1976. This video, in German language, shows about one hundred finswimmers was competing between the towns of Vilpiano e Ponte Adige with a total distance of 10 kms. At the end the winning went to the component of the Carabinieri Napoli Team, the great Paolo Vandini.…
Video Award of Stefano Figini – Andrea Nava
This is the video, recorded by Stefano, about the Award Cerimony for the 160th Year from the born of the Police Army. The Italian President Giorgio Napolitano gave an award to Andrea Nava and Stefano Figini for their successes in the Finswimming. To underline that they have been awarded with the Fencing Olympionic Champion Valentina Vezzali! Here the pictures from that event: è il video, registrato da Stefano, sulla Cerimona di Premiazione per il 160° Anno dalla Nascita del Corpo di Polizia di Stato. Il Presidente Italiano Giorgio Napolitano ha premiato Andrea Nava e Stefano Figini per i loro successi nel Nuoto Pinnato. Da notare che sono stati premiati proprio insieme alla Campionessa Olimpionica di Scherma Valentina Vezzali! Qui le foto dell’evento:…
Interview with Theo-Patrick Fourcade, Best World Performance 100 mt Speed Apnea

Just some day ago we published the video about the 100mt Speed Apnea Best World Performance, by the French Theo-Patrick Fourcade, that was able to make an amazing performance, with the time of 36″36! Here a very interesting interview with this incredible Finswimming and Apnea Champion!Solo qualche giorno fa abbiamo pubblicato il video della Miglior Prestazione Mondiale dei 100 Speed Apnea, fatto registrare dal Francese Theo-Patrick Fourcade, che è stato in grado di eseguire una performance straordinaria con tempo di 36″36! Ecco un intervista molto interessante a questo incredibile Campione di Nuoto Pinnato e Apnea!…
Andrea Nava and Stefano Figini awarded by the Italian President

On the 160th anniversary of the birth of the Italian Police Corps, and thanks to Sport merits, Andrea Nava and Stefano Figini were awarded by the President of the Italian Republic, Giorgio Napolitano. Congratulations to these two very strong athletes!…