Here a very nice interview with Martin Mazac from Czech Republic and Aziz Figarella from Venezuela. These two boys are the fastest in the World with the bifins. They made 3 World Records in less than a month on the 50m Bifins! Enjoy the interview and let’s know them a little bit!Ecco una simpatica intervista con Martin Mazac dalla Republica Ceca e Aziz Figarella dal Venezuela. Questi due ragazzi sono i più veloci al mondo con le bipinne. Infatti in meno di un mese hanno battuto tre volte il Record del Mondo dei 50m Pinne! Godetevi l’intervista e cerchiamo di conoscerli un po’ meglio!…
Is Finswimming an Expensive Sport?

Today I wanna discuss about the costs that Finswimming has for an athlete. I think it’s becoming much more expensive year by year. So let’s take for example a top level Finswimmer who lives in Italy (at the moment I…

Stefano Figini e Baruky El Sayed in Cina

Come appreso su un giornale locale Brianzolo, comunichiamo con estremo piacere che Stefano Figini e Baruki El Sayed sono stati convocati dalla TV Nazionale Cinese “CCTV” per recarsi a Pechino con lo scopo di tentare il nuovo Guinnes dei Primati (non le scimmie intendiamoci!) di salto in alto con la Monopinna.Come appreso su un giornale locale Brianzolo, comunichiamo con estremo piacere che Stefano Figini e Baruki El Sayed sono stati convocati dalla TV Nazionale Cinese “CCTV” per recarsi a Pechino con lo scopo di tentare il nuovo Guinnes dei Primati (non le scimmie intendiamoci!) di salto in alto con la Monopinna.…
Gergely Juhos and his Croatian Memories

This is a nice letter written by Juhos Gergely, former Finswimming World Champion, about the trip to Zagreb for the Finswimming Stage taken in the last week end of September. Le’t have a cool read and enjoy it! *Visiting Diving…
The “Lo Show dei Record” video is availabe!
Finally all of you can watch the last episode of “Lo Show dei Record” (transalted is The Show of the Records) in which our Sport was one of the players! In fact Stefano Figini, Cesare Fumarola and Soliman El Sayed burned the waters of the Lido Azzurro Swimming Pool of Varedo breaking the new Guinnes World Record, jumping out of the water with 2 mt! We can easily say that They really were able to jump also 2.20 mt but the last jump was too high to touch (2.30 mt). So let’s watch the show and enjoy it!…