The XXV Spanish Finswimming Championship absolute for Autonomic Comunities (XXV Campeonato de España de Natación con Aletas Absoluto por Comunidades Autonómicas) was held on Valladolid, Spain on March 17th – 18th 2018 Official Results Amazing Photogallery by Laura Juste Start…
🇨🇴 [RESULTS] – Colombia Finswimming Championship Junior and Senior for Clubs Neiva 2018
The Colombian Underwater Federation (FEDECAS) invites to all clubs from country to the National Colombia Finswimming Championship Junior and Senior for Clubs to be held in Neiva, Huila from March 16-19 2018. Event clasificatory to Finswimming World Championship Belgrade, Serbia…
International University Sports Federation (FISU) officially recognizes CMAS and Underwater Sports (Finswimming)
On August 2017, the International University Sports Federation (FISU) granted official recognition to the World Underwater Federation (CMAS) and Underwater Sports, in Finswimming as an important part of the growth and development of the university sports movement worldwide. In 2013,…
🇪🇸 Course for Finswimming Coaches Level 1 (Curs D’Entrenador De Natació Amb Aletes Nivell 1) – Barcelona, Spain
The Club Natació l’Hospitalet and FECDAS, Catalan Federation of Underwater Activities, present the Course for Finswimming Coaches Level 1 (Curs d’Entrenador de Natació amb Aletes Nivell 1) at a theoretical and practical level (in person) which It will be dictated by…
🇪🇸 [RESULTS] Ordizia Urpekoak Saria 2018 – Finswimming Open in Spain
Ordizia Urpekoak Saria 2018 “Open Ordizia de Natación con Aletas” – Finswimming Open in Spain. March 3rd 2018 Results Start Lists Particular Rules Competición: Ordizia Urpekoak Saria Lugar: Ordizia Fecha: 03/03/2018 Horario: 1ª Jornada Calentamiento 08:15 ___Pruebas 09:30 _________ 2ª Jornada Calentamiento 15:30 ___Pruebas 16:30 1ª…