Tampereen Urheilusukeltajat and Tampereen Uinnin Tuki ry, by the permission of the Finnish Divers’ Federation, will organize the International FINNISH OPEN, a finswimming competition in TAMPERE (Finland) on the 5th and 6th of May, 2018. Venue: Tampereen Uintikeskus, Kaleva, Joukahaisenkatu 7, 33540 Tampere Competition…
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[RESULTS] International Swimming and Finswimming Competition Madwave Challenge 2018 – Tampere, Finland

International Swimming and Finswimming Competition Madwave Challenge 2018 – Tampere, Finland. 27-28 January 2018 Finswimming Events: 50ap, 50bf, 100bf, 100sf, 200sf, 800sf, 1500sf RESULTS FINSWIMMING (PDF) Photos by Sergei Kutikov More info: https://www.tatu.fi/events/event/madwave-challenge-2018/ INVITATION (PDF)…