And let’s go on reporting what’s going on in the Finswimming World due to the COVID-19 pandemy. Yesterday, after Italy, France and Greece have stopped all the Finswimming related event, including training of all of its National teams. HERE the…
France - Finswimming News
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Rennes Regional Finswimming Championships canceled – COVID-19

Rumors say that France Finswimming canceled the first competitions due to the COVID-19. The event that has been deleted from the calendar is the Finswimming Regional Championship in Rennes, scheduled on March 14th-15th 2020. Will this be the fuse that…
French Finswimming Calendar 2020

Here the official Finswimming National Calendar for France 2020. CALENDAR FRANCE…

First solo “The English Channel Crossing attempt” ever with a monofin – Sayed Baroky in June 2020

From 27 May to 4th June 2020, the Egyptian Finswimmer Sayed Baroky, already formed World Guinness Record holder with Stefano Figini and Cesare Fumarola in 2011, will try to cross the famous English Channel from UK (Dover) to Calais (France)….
CMAS Finswimming World Cup 2020 Round 3 – Aix en Provence (France)

The 3rd round of the 2020 CMAS Finswimming World Cup 2020 Round 3 will be held in Aix-en-Provence, France on 18-19 April 2020 under the organization of The Pays d’Aix Natation (PAN) Club under agreement of CMAS and FFESSM. At…