The D.P.C. (data processing center) at the FIPSAS Italian Finswimming federation, has prepared a PDF with all the 20 best times for each race taken by Italian Finswimmers during the season 2018-2019. PDF TOP TWENTY FINSWIMMING ITALY…
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Young Jong Yoon training in Milan (Italy)

The South Korean Finswimming Champion Young Jong Yoon is now in Milan (Italy) to train for a week with Valter Mazzei from NPS Varedo Finswimming club. Young has already been in Milan about 2-3 years ago for three months for preparing…
24° Trofeo Delle Alpi – Finswimming Italy [RESULTS]

The VALTELLINA SUB sports club in Sondrio, with the approval of the sector committee for the Finswimming and Orientation, organizes on Sunday 31st March 2019 the national finswimming competition called “XXIV TROFEO DELLE ALPI“. RESULTS The competition is valid as a…
Stefano Figini special training

Valter Mazzei from Italy, that is Stefano Figini’s coach, shared on Instagram a video about a strange workout session…take a look! View this post on Instagram Power 10×4 mt #swimming #finswimming #breathe A post shared by Valter Mazzei (@finswimmingcmas) on…
XIV CMAS Finswimming World Cup 2019 – Lignano Sabbiadoro, Italy – [RESULTS+GALLERY]

The 2nd round of CMAS Finswimming World Cup 2019, was held in Lignano Sabbiadoro (UD) Italy the 22, 23 and 24 of March 2019. Looking at the START LIST available from March 21st 2019, A total of 106 Clubs coming…