The Club Natació l’Hospitalet and FECDAS, Catalan Federation of Underwater Activities, present the Course for Finswimming Coaches Level 1 (Curs d’Entrenador de Natació amb Aletes Nivell 1) at a theoretical and practical level (in person) which It will be dictated by…
Europe - Finswimming News
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🇪🇸 [RESULTS] Ordizia Urpekoak Saria 2018 – Finswimming Open in Spain
Ordizia Urpekoak Saria 2018 “Open Ordizia de Natación con Aletas” – Finswimming Open in Spain. March 3rd 2018 Results Start Lists Particular Rules Competición: Ordizia Urpekoak Saria Lugar: Ordizia Fecha: 03/03/2018 Horario: 1ª Jornada Calentamiento 08:15 ___Pruebas 09:30 _________ 2ª Jornada Calentamiento 15:30 ___Pruebas 16:30 1ª…
[RESULTS] – Italian Championship of Underwater Rugby 2018
The Italian Championship of Underwater Rugby 2018 will be in Milan, Sunday February 25. The event was open to all spectators. The 2018 edition of the Italian Absolute Underwater Rugby Championship was held in Milan at the Piscina Saini on…
🇭🇺 Report 1st Round CMAS Finswimming World Cup 2018 – Eger
Many of the best finswimmers all around the World have fought in the 1st Round CMAS Finswimming World Cup 2018. The event, that officially opened the international finswimming circuit calendar, has been taken during last week end distributed in 4…
[RESULTS] – Spring Italian Finswimming Championships by Categories 2018
The Spring Italian Finswimming Championships by Categories (CAMPIONATI ITALIANI PRIMAVERILI DI CATEGORIA NUOTO PINNATO) was held on February 24th / 25ht in Agropoli (25mts pool) RESULTS (PDF)…