During the finals on the first day of the CMAS Finswimming World Championships in Tomsk, Russia, the Russian Ekaterina MIKHAILUSHKINA set the New World Record on 100sf women with the time of 38.02, 4 cents less than the previous one, hold…
Russia - Finswimming News
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🇷🇺 Arina Pantina NWR 400 BF Girls 3.46.00
The Russian Arina Pantina set the new World Record on 400 bifins girl with the time of 3.46.00, during the second day of the Finswimming Junior World Championships – Italy 2021. The previous one was set by the Russian Yana…
🇷🇺 Diana Sliseva NWR 100 imm girls – 36.95
Diana Sliseva (Russia) set the New World Junior Record during the race of 100 immersion 36.95 at the second day of the Finswimming Junior World Championships – Italy 2021 The previous World Record Junior was 37.09 by Vera Ilyushina from…
🇷🇺 Junior Finswimming Russian Championships 2021 – Yaroslav
From 26 to 28 May 2021, the strongest athletes of the country in the age category “12-13 years old” will compete in the swimming pool of the Lazurny Water Sports Palace in the city of Yaroslavl at the Junior Finswimming…
🇷🇺 Russian Underwater Sport Championship – St Petersburg
From April 30 to May 3 in St. Petersburg at the Center for Water Sports “Nevskaya Volna” within the Russian championship in underwater sports in the disciplines of high-speed swimming in fins will compete the strongest athletes of the country….