Gianfranco Ciavarella, a historical person of the Italian finswimming movement, has died. During his sporting career, Gianfranco has held several roles in the federal sphere, including that of member of the Finswimming Sector Committee for twelve years. President of the…
Countries - Finswimming News
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🇫🇷 French National Finswimming Championships for Clubs – AIX
The first important finswimming event for the 2021-2022 sport season in France is the French National Finswimming Championships for Clubs scheduled on December 11th-12th 2021 in the city of Aix en Provence. It is a Long Course swimming pool event…
🇫🇷 French South Regional Finswimming Championships – AIX
The French South Regional Finswimming Championships held on November 21st 2021 in the city of Aix en Provence, a long course event, with manual cronometer system. This Finswimming event has been organized by the P.A.N. Finswimming club. SOURCE…
🇪🇸 Spanish Federal Finswimming Control 2021 – Spain
On Saturday 18th December 2021, the Spanish Federal Finswimming Control 2021 will be held in the Swimming Pool La Corxera en San Feliu De Guixols (Girona). The event is a short course event. This is the official program of competitions:…
🇨🇿 Czech Finswimming Championship – Olomouc
The Czech Finswimming Championship for Clubs is held in the city of Olomouc on November 20th-21st 2021 and is governed by the Game Rules of the Czech Republic teams. The winning teams will receive the title of Champion of the Czech Republic of…