From January 8th 2020, our great evergreen champion Denes Kanyo from Hungary could win the title of Best World Games Athlete of all time. The voting will be taken in the official World Games web site. The link is…
Countries - Finswimming News
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🇮🇹 University Finswimming World Cup 2022 in Italy
The Executive Committee of the FISU (International University Sports Federation) has assigned to the CUSI (Italian University Sports Center) and, consequently, to FIPSAS the organization of the 1st edition of the University Finswimming World Cup. The event will take place…
🇮🇹 Italy risks Olympics without flag
At the next meeting of the International Olympic Committee (IOC), scheduled for Wednesday 27 January, Italy could be sanctioned with a suspension for violating the rules contained in the Olympic Charter, the document that determines the principles and statutes of…
🇵🇱 [CANCELLED] Round 1 CMAS Finswimming World Cup 2021 – Poland
Finally it’s official! The Polish Underwater Federation, PZPn, sent us the PDF about the Round 1 of the CMAS Finswimming World Cup 2021, that will take place in the city of PoznaÅ„ On January 30th-31st 2021 February 13th-14th 2021 (date…
🇹🇳 Finswimming Tunisia National Championship
After 10 month we publish here the results about the Finswimming Tunisia Championship 2020, held in February 23th 2020 in Ezzahra. RESULTS [pdf-embedder url=”” title=”National competetion Ezzahra Tunis”]…