(Sportalsub.net / SerSubacuatico.com) An integral athlete, outstanding in various modalities, who has managed to take his passion for underwater activities out of his country of origin. Diego León Rodriguez Mora, born in the city of Cali, Department of Valle in…
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🇮🇹 Live interview to Carlo Allegrini, president of Italian Finswimming [subtitles]
A video live interview to mr. Carlo Allegrini, president of Italian Finswimming and Apnea sector (FIPSAS). The interview is in Italian with english subtitles….
🇮🇹 Interview to Carlo Allegrini, president of Italian Finswimming [2009]
This is a very interesting interview to Carlo Allegrini, ex Italy National Finswimming Coach, and now President of the Italian Finswimming Commission. We want to thank him for his answers and we hope that his job will be the best one….
🇮🇹 Gian Mario Migliaccio, a Finswimmer of the past [2010]
Hi Gian Mario, maybe not everyone knows that you were a high level Finswimmer athlete in the 80s, tell us a little about your career from the beginning until the end of the 90s. Hi, the competitive “career” unfortunately lasts…
Now it’s official. Today April 2nd 2020, the IWGA (International World Games Association) met the BOC (Birmingham Organising Committee ) in Losanna (Switzerland) and took the decision about the World Games event, originally scheduled from 15 to 25 July 2021,…