Finswimming and underwater sports have a great tradition in Russia. In 1958 the first finswimming Soviet competition was held and it was the country where the monofin was created and implemented in the 60s. The Russian Underwater Federation (RUF) has…
Countries - Finswimming News
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Spring Italian Speed Finswimming Championships by Categories 2019
The Spring Italian Speed Finswimming Championships by Categories (CAMPIONATI ITALIANI PRIMAVERILI DI CATEGORIA NUOTO PINNATO VELOCITA’) will be held on February 23th / 24ht 2019 in Agropoli (25mts pool) INVITATION PDF Links: FIPSAS –…
[FINAL RESULTS] – II OPEN Baltic Finswimming Championship in Olsztyn, Poland
The Polish Underwater Federation PZPn organized the II OPEN Baltic Finswimming Championship for categories A, B, C, D, E organized in the period from 18th to 20th of January 2019 in Olsztyn 220 finswimmers from 24 clubs from 4 countries: Poland,…
🇦🇺 OZFIN – Australian Finswimming returning to International competitions
Finswimming has been conducted in Australia since 1970 and is offered at venues in New South Wales, Tasmania and Victoria. National championships have been held since 1970 and Australia first competed at world championship level in 1990. For many years Australia was absent from the CMAS international…
🇮🇳 Finswimming growing in India
Finswimming and Underwater Sports are growing in India, a country with more than 1240 million habitants, it is the second country in the world by population after China. In the 2018 season, the finswimmers of this Asian country participated in…