The Polish Underwater Federation invite all interested Federations and Clubs to participate in Finswimming European Junior Cup organized from 9th to 11th of November 2018 in Gliwice. This cyclic event was held for juniors category C ( 2003-2004), D (2005-2006) and…
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🇨🇱 [RESULTS] – Finswimming, Freediving and Lifesaving Championship in Chile 2018
The National Sports Federation of Underwater Activities and Lifesaving of Chile (FEDESUB) was held the 3rd Indoor National Championship of Underwater Activities, which included Freediving, Finswimming and Lifesaving, which has been seen on days 1,2 and 3 November, 2018 at…
🇨🇿 [RESULTS] Finswimming Nemo Trophy 2018 – Czech Republic
Results of International Event in Finswimming NEMO TROPHY 2018 3th – 4th November 2018 in Zlín (Czech Republic), 50 m City Indoor Swimming pool. Nemo Trophy is an open competition without dividing to age groups, the results are only in categories women and…
🇨🇴 [RESULTS] Colombia Speed and University Finswimming Championship Santa Marta 2018
The Underwater Colombian FederationFEDECAS, organized the NATIONAL SPEED CHAMPIONSHIP INTERCLUBS OF FINSWIMMING, CATEGORIES A, B, C, D13, MASTER V0, V1, V2, V3, V4 and OPEN UNIVERSITY NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP, to was held in the city of Santa Marta from October 19…
🆥🆥 🇮🇹 Federica Verdoya, former Genoese finswimmer, in Israele for a 80 km Running
On October 18th 2018, Federica Verdoya, former finswimmer from Genoa, will leave Italy to go to Israele in the desert of Negev for taking part to the Negev Adventure, a 80 kms Running sponsred by Donna Moderna, a popular Italian weekly…