The XXV Spanish Finswimming Championship absolute for Autonomic Comunities (XXV Campeonato de España de Natación con Aletas Absoluto por Comunidades Autonómicas) was held on Valladolid, Spain on March 17th – 18th 2018 Official Results Amazing Photogallery by Laura Juste Start…
Countries - Finswimming News
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🇬🇷 [RESULTS] Winter Games for Northern Greece 2018
Four more athletes have reached limits for the European – The Finswimming Winter Games for Northern Greece for clubs took place in Ioannina with great success during the weekend (17-18 March 2018), after seven more limits were reached for the…
🇫🇮 International FINNISH OPEN 2018 – Tampere
Tampereen Urheilusukeltajat and Tampereen Uinnin Tuki ry, by the permission of the Finnish Divers’ Federation, will organize the International FINNISH OPEN, a finswimming competition in TAMPERE (Finland) on the 5th and 6th of May, 2018. Venue: Tampereen Uintikeskus, Kaleva, Joukahaisenkatu 7, 33540 Tampere Competition…
🇨🇴 [RESULTS] – Colombia Finswimming Championship Junior and Senior for Clubs Neiva 2018
The Colombian Underwater Federation (FEDECAS) invites to all clubs from country to the National Colombia Finswimming Championship Junior and Senior for Clubs to be held in Neiva, Huila from March 16-19 2018. Event clasificatory to Finswimming World Championship Belgrade, Serbia…
🇮🇹 [RESULTS] Spring Italian Finswimming Championships 2018
The Italian Finswimming Championships 2018 has made in the city of Lignano Sabbiadoro (Italy) on Bella Italia Sport Village. The event was done during three days, from 9th to 11th March 2018. The results has already been released by the Italian Finswimming…