Alvaro Hugo Polo is maybe the best South American Finswimmer. He has a long carreer, although he had to stop for 4 years due to operation to his knees after a bad accident. Now he is came back to take his revenge, obviously we are speaking about the Sport! Infact Alvaro was second at World Championships in Saint Petersburg this year….
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🇮🇹 Stefano Figini ricevuto a Palazzo Chigi
Importante appuntamento per il nostro Sport ieri pomeriggio. Il pluricampione del Mondo di Nuoto Pinnato Stefano Figini e il Presidente del settore Carlo Allegrini, accompagnati dall’Addetto Stampa federale Sergio Schiavone sono stati ricevuti a Palazzo Chigi dal Ministro della Gioventù On. Giorgia Meloni. L’incontro, voluto dal Presidente Federale Ugo Claudio Matteoli, ha dato l’opportunità alla FIPSAS di far conoscere la propria realtà sportiva ed agonistica attraverso uno degli atleti italiani più titolati e rappresentativi dello Sport cosiddetto “minore”, ma non per questo meno importante all’interno del CONI. Al Ministro Meloni, l’incontro è servito, invece, per accendere i riflettori della politica e sottolineare gli esempi positivi che, come nel caso del giovane atleta Stefano Figini, possono contribuire a rimarcare che la gioventù italiana di oggi non è poi così “malata” come tanti indicano o fanno credere, e lo Sport è un ottimo modello da tenere in grande considerazione….
🇫🇷 Top of the Finswimmers: Marine Grosjean
Well…I think there are no words needed to introduce her…but I have to write anyways. She is French, young, very nice, beautiful and an extremely strong Finswimmer! I’m talking about Marine Grosjean, for sure one of the best Long Distance Swimmers of the last years in the World!…
🇮🇹 Champs of the Past: Giuseppe Galantucci
Once was a Classical Swimmer, then he discovered the fins and nothing was the same again. Here there is the first Italian Finswimmer that swam 200 mt under 1’30” (1’29″72). More than half hundred Italian Records, he saw Finswimming change from Bifins to the Monofin. Now he is a point of reference for a lot of Finswimmers. He is Giuseppe (Beppe) Galantucci….
🇭🇺 Top of the Finswimmers: Denes Kanio
Denes Kanio, he is a part of the last 15 years of successes in Hungarian Finswimming History, he is World Champion in 200mts sf in 2009 that in the 8th lane he beat Stefano Figini and Andrea Nava too! Let’s know him and his story……