The Italian former Finswimming World Champion Davide De Ceglie has decided to retire from international Finswimming competitions. CMAS has published an interview with this long-standing athlete from Bologna. Davide De Ceglie, along with Stefano Figini (who also retired from Finswimming…
Finswimmers & Co. - Finswimming News
Young Joong Yoon new Asian Record 800 sf! [Unofficial]

During the third day of the 1st Jeju Haenyeo Boat National Finswimming Competition, the 38 years old Young Joong Yoon swam the new Asian Record on the race of 800 sf male with the amazing time of 6.18,12. For the moment…
New CMAS Finswimming Board of Commission

The official CMAS web site has been updated with the list of people who are forming the new Board of Commission, for what concerns the Finswimming section. As already seen one month ago, the Director is Alexandros Xiarkos from Greece. France…
Elena Argunova, a coach of Finswimming campions

Recently The World Games 2022 Alabama (USA) made a voting system to elect the best athlete of 2021, and for our beautiful sport called Finswimming, Ekaterina Mikhaylushkina is one of the 24 candidates! But not everyone knows that she is…

Vote for Ekaterina Mikhaylushkina as The World Games Athlete of the Year 2021

The Russian Finswimmer Ekaterina Mikhaylushkina is one of 24 candidates for The World Games Athlete of the Year 2021! VOTE NOW: How to vote You can vote for your candidate once every 24 hours. First click on the “Vote”…