Bin Chen
Date of Birth:
Place of Birth:
Guang Zhou
City of Residence:
Guang Zhou
State of residence:
Finswimming Coach
Start practice Finswimming (year):
Race start Finswimming (year):
from 1997 to now in Guang Dong Finswimming team
You train in 25mt or 50mt Swimming Pool?
I stopped swimming in earnest in 2006. Now I keep in shape both in 50 mts Swimming Pool.
Who is your coach?
Miss Ping Su Li (from 1991 to 1996)
Mr Ya Di Qiu (from 1997 to 2006)
Favorite race:
400m and 800m immersion
Favorite athlete (past or present, also as a reference point):
Mr.Ya Di Qiu ,he was the first finswimmer of China set new world record.
Mr.Qiu Rong Liu,,he was the first men finswimmer in the world to finish 50m AP under 15 seconds.
Miss Xiao Lian Zhou,she was the first women finswimmer in the world to finish 800m SF under 7 minutes.
Miss Qi Liu,she won world champion from 1994 to 2006.
Miss Bao Zhen Zhu,she keep 5 world record now.
Mr.Figini,S. he was the fist men finswimmer in the world to sinish 400m SF under 3 minutes.
Mr. Sergei Akhapov, he won world champion from 1990 to 2004.
Your best results (summary):
Youth World Champion 1997 4x100m – Senior Asia Champion 2001 800m im and 4x200m Senior World Champion 2002 400m im and 800m im.
Record national or European / global level (also passed):
World record 400m im in 2002: 2’48”05r
World record 800m im in 2002 :6’03”32
World record 800m im in 2002: 6’02”08
Asia record 800m im in 2004: 6’01”51
Chinese record 4x200m in 2002: 6’02”77
Do you prefere individual events or relays?
Individual, especially immersion. (100m ,400m and 800m )
Favorite races in the pool or long distance?
in the pool.
What is your specialty (distance, surface or immersion)?
Middle distance,400m immersion.
What type of fin or monofin use?
Binfins, monofin Chinese.
What other sports have practiced before?
Finswimming, Finswimming, Finswimming … and Finswimming. ..
Other sports now?
It’s enough if I can go play badminton twice a week!
If so what?
Year of entry into the National Team (Senior or juvenile, leave blank if you never entered):
1997, Youth Worlds of Balatonfunzfo, Hungary.
National Team last year (if you’re still leave blank):
2006 world championship in italy.
Do you have a website or that of your team? and
Badminton, Singing, Chat..
Other comments:
Bin Chen
Data di nascita:
Luogo di nascita:
Guang Zhou
Città di residenza:
Guang Zhou
Stato di residenza:
Allenatore di Nuoto Pinnato
Inizio pratica Nuoto Pinnato (anno):
Inizio gare Nuoto Pinnato (anno):
Dal 1997 fino ad ora nella Guang Dong Finswimming Team
Ti alleni in vasca da 25mt o da 50mt?
Fino al 2006 in vasca da 50. Adesso mi mantengo in forma in piscina.
Chi è il tuo Allenatore?
Miss Ping Su Li (dal 1991 al 1996)
Mr Ya Di Qiu (dal 1997 al 2006)
Gara preferita:
400m e 800m immersione
Atleta preferito (passato o presente, inteso anche come punto di riferimento):
Mr.Ya Di Qiu ,he was the first finswimmer of China set new world record.
Mr.Qiu Rong Liu,,he was the first men finswimmer in the world to finish 50m AP under 15 seconds.
Miss Xiao Lian Zhou,she was the first women finswimmer in the world to finish 800m SF under 7 minutes.
Miss Qi Liu,she won world champion from 1994 to 2006.
Miss Bao Zhen Zhu,she keep 5 world record now.
Mr.Figini,S. he was the fist men finswimmer in the world to sinish 400m SF under 3 minutes.
Mr. Sergei Akhapov, he won world champion from 1990 to 2004.
Vostri migliori risultati (riassunto):
Youth World Champion 1997 4x100m – Senior Asia Champion 2001 800m im and 4x200m Senior World Champion 2002 400m im and 800m im.
Record Nazionali o Europei/Mondiali (anche passati):
World record 400m im in 2002: 2’48”05r
World record 800m im in 2002 :6’03”32
World record 800m im in 2002: 6’02”08
Asia record 800m im in 2004: 6’01”51
Chinese record 4x200m in 2002: 6’02”77
Preferite le gare individuali o staffette?
Individual, especially immersion. (100m ,400m and 800m )
Preferite le gare in piscina o di fondo?
in the pool.
Quale è la vostra specialità (distanze,superficie o immersione)?
Middle distance,400m immersion.
Che tipo di pinne/monopinne usi?
Binfins, monofin Chinese.
Quali altri sport avete praticato in precedenza?
Finswimming, Finswimming, Finswimming … and Finswimming. ..
Praticate altri sport attualmente?
E’ già tanto se pratico badminton due volte alla settimana!
Se si quali?
Anno di ingresso nella Squadra Nazionale (Assoluta o Giovanile, lasciare in bianco se non sei mai entrato):
1997, Youth Worlds of Balatonfunzfo, Hungary
Ultimo anno in Squadra Nazionale (se siete ancora lasciare in bianco):
2006 world championship in italy.
Avete un vostro sito internet oppure quello della squadra?
Badminton, Cantare, Chat..
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