We can read in the Sportalsub web site and the CMAS AMERICA web site, in spanish, that the World Confederation of Underwater Activities (CMAS) has confirmed the realization of the Indoor CMAS Senior Finswimming World Championship 2022, which will take place from July 18th to 23rd, 2022 in the city of Cali, Colombia.
All information have been published on Match 13th 2022, we want to share them with you here:
The following days, the same city will host the Indoor CMAS Master Finswimming World Championship 2022, which will take place from July 24th to 28rd, 2022
Annexs Finswimming World Champ 2022 Cali
The official Instagram profile of the Indoor CMAS Senior Finswimming World Championship 2022 has been released, You can find it here: https://www.instagram.com/califinswimmingwc2022/
The Colombian city of Santiago de Cali, in Valle del Cauca region, hosted also the CMAS Finswimming World Championships in the far 1998. It was an incredible experience, in which I took personally part as an athlete, and one of the best things I remember was the amount of people in the seats, about 3000 people watching us swimming.