As you probably heard by the mass media, the Coronavirus hit the northern part of Italy during the last weekend, when the first round of the Finswimming CMAS World Cup were being held in Eger (Hungary). In four days there were four six deaths, people are starting to feel fear. [upd February 24th 2020 – 3 pm]
Finswimmer Magazine is mainly based in Milan and for this reason we get the chance to live in first person what’s happening in Italy. The government is closing everything in the northern Italy by a law. The famous Venetian Carnival canceled. School system is closed for a week, pubs after 6 pm, discos, churches and museums closed, and every sporting center, including swimming pools stopped every course and agonistic sport.
Many questions are rising by the Finswimming community about this situation. We already made a post about the Coronavirus and Finswimming events, but we didn’t imagine it would happen so fast, here in Italy. We renew all the questions we made about it, and we ask also how CMAS will manage this situation. The competition in Italy will bring here almost 600 finswimmers from all over the World.
Will the Finswimming CMAS World Cup be held? Probably it’s soon to be said, but we start to put this question on the table.