The Finswimming Open Baltic Cup 2020 will take place in Palanga, Lithuania on 16 – 19 April, 2020. It will be hosted in Palangos swimming pool (Kretingos str.-23) 25 metres long, 8 lanes.
16/04 (Thursday) until 17:00 h – arrival teams
17.00-18.30-mandate Commission in Pool
18.30-19.00- meeting of team representatives
19.00-21.00 -training session (in your account)
17 April ( Friday)
16.00-17.00- training session
18 April (Saturday)
11.00-11.30- warmup
11.30-13.00 competition:
25 m AP;50m BF; 100m BF;200mBF
16.00-16.30 warming up
16.30-18.00 competition:
400m BF; 4 x 50m BF mix
19.00-closing competition
19 April (Sunday)
Departue of the teams