This is the new link to the unofficial Finswimming World Ranking 2020 prepared by our friend Tim. The ranking has been completed after the following finswimming events:
02.11.-03.11. Nemo Trophy 2019 Zlin Czech
22.11.-29.11. XXI National Sports Games 2019 Cartagena Columbia
24.11. 20th International Leipzig Sprint Cup Leipzig Germany
30.11.-01.12. 6th World Meeting Of Young Finswimmers Kecskemét Hungary
06.12.-08.12. Turkish Finswimming Winter Championships 2019 Edirne Turkey
07.12.-08.12. World Cup Golden Final 2019 Poznan Poland
07.12.-08.12. National Club Championships 2019 (25m pool) Valence France
14.12. Südtrophy 2019 (25m pool) Darmstadt Germany
19.12.-22.12. Asian Senior and Junior Championships 2019 Yantai China
21.12. Christmas Cup Croatia 2019 Rijeka Croatia
21.12.-22.12. 2nd International Finswimming Christmas Cup Ioannina Greece
18.01. Thüringer Meisterschaften Erfurt Germany
25.01. Tallinn Open 2020 Lestaujumine (25m pool) Tallinn Estonia
25.01.-26.01. 3rd Open Baltic Championships Olsztyn Poland
01.02.-02.02. 37th Memorial Ugo Tabanelli Ravenna Italia
08.02.-09.02. Zdarsky Gumak 2020 (25m pool) Žďár nad Sázavou Czech
12.02.-15.02. Russian Finswimming Cup Tomsk Russia
15.02.-16.02. Berlin Championships 2020 Berlin Germany
15.02.-16.02. French National Finswimming Meeting Vittel France
22.02.-23.02. 1. Round Finswimming World Cup Eger Hungary