Despite some initial skepticism, still a FIPSAS triumph, and what a performance in the tank!!
It was March 2020 when a few days before the Italian World Cup test the pandemic had forced everyone to stop and the consequent cancellation of all the scheduled Championships by the CMAS. After a year of stoppage finally the decision to be able to try again, clearly with some precautions that at the moment only Italy has been able to put in place and here is an event that has seen over 400 accreditations and never moments of crowding in the tank or in the dining rooms in the beautiful village of Italy.
Certainly not the normality that we have always been able to observe, but considering that the alternative was to stay at home and that even a world record has escaped, we can say that FIPSAS has more than won the bet by once again becoming queen of organizations. of sporting events.
But coming to the race many athletes who swam in great times, above all the Ukrainian of Aqualeader Oleksii Zakharov, author of the new world record in the 400 mono with 2’55 “57, but also Giulia Talenti (Gao Brinella Orbetello) Giulia Bruni (Record Team Bologna), Laura Franchin (Natatorium Treviso), Valentina Crivello (Pinnato Swimming Lab Turin) And Giorgia Destefani (Sport Club Pralino) authors of 11 new Italian records already updated in the federal table on the net.
In the team classification, Aqualeader Ukraine won ahead of Record Team Bologna and the French of Club Sportif de Gravenchon. This is followed by Paix Aix Natation France, Swimming Fine Arts Rome, Le Bandie Spresiano Swimming Center, Sport Club Pralino, Leipzig Finswimming Germany, Spordklubi Fortuna Estonia and Tauchsportverband Austria.