Invitation to the 14th MCM Diamant Cup in Kaposvar, Humgary, on 5th of April 2025. This Finswimming event is International and it’s a great chance to test your performance before the most important events in the World.
Welcome to Kaposvár, one of the Hungarian cities of outstanding underwater athletes! We have the honour to invite all the countries in the World to participate in the 14th/1.MCM-Diamant Cup to Kaposvár – Hungary on 05 April 2024 organized by the “Kaposvári 1.MCM-Diamant Sportclub”.
Location: Csik Ferenc sétány, Iszákdomb, Belváros, Kaposvár, Kaposvári járás, Somogy vármegye, Dél-Dunántúl, 7400, Ungheria
E-mail address:
Whatsupp number: +36304808410