Receive a cordial greeting from FVAS and the National Finswimming Commission, who sends you our formal invitation to participate in the NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP OF FINSWIMMING, to be held Friday 24, Saturday 25 and Sunday 26 May 2019 in the swimming pool “Rafael Vidal” IND – Caracas. Event contemplated in the 2019 calendar and which will have the character of
SELECTIVE NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP, for the athletes of Clubs registered in the IND National Sports Register and will have the endorsement of judges of the Venezuelan Federation of Underwater Activities (FVAS). The event will be organized by club TRITONS WARRIORS HM together with the National Technical Commission of Finswimming.
New Date of the event: Friday 24, Saturday 25 and Sunday 26 of May 2019
Place of the event: pool “Rafael Vidal” IND -Caracas.
Categories: Masculine and Feminine, Open category (14 & +) and Master (29 & +)