The official CMAS web site has been updated with the list of people who are forming the new Board of Commission, for what concerns the Finswimming section. As already seen one month ago, the Director is Alexandros Xiarkos from Greece.
France and Russia have 2 representants each, while all the others countries have a single representant.
The new CMAS Finswimming Board of Commission
XIARCHOS Alexandros I. from Greece, is the new CMAS Finswimming Director
POLO LOZADA Alvaro Hugo from Colombia is the new CMAS Finswimming Secretary
Then we have the list of all the members, 22 people, so in total we have 24 people making the new CMAS Finswimming Board of Commission.
GRAMMATICOS Basile from France
ALEMDAR Ozgur from Turkey
POLAK Aleksander from Poland
SVOZILOVÁ Zuzana from Czechia
CASTRO CASAL Manuel from Spain
ELZUHERY Esraa from Egypt
KOVÁCS Zsófia from Hungary
DURIC Marko from Croatia
HEITZ Camille from France
SKORZHENKO Evgenii from Russia
TONELLI Luca from Italy
ALGHANNAM Ali from Kuwait
KIM Hae Chool from South Korea
SHUMKOV Grigory from Russia
AZZOUZ Réda from Algeria
UEHARA Yuto from Japan
STEINERT Ralf from Germany
BENZOUINA Brahim from Morocco
KARMAZIN Elena from Thailand
KULDIP Patil from India
DUERINCKX Free from Belgium
GONZALEZ RAMIREZ Jose Manuel from Mexico