20 years after the creation of the last finswimming club in Belgium, a new club is born in this small country. Under the initiave of Burak Basturk and Muriel Xhervelle, the Lifesaving club of Bastogne, with the presidency of Karl Marloye, created a finswimming section. Since september 2018, this section is active with the coaches Fanny Baade and Cyril Servais at the helm. The group already has a total of twenty swimmers including 12 competitors. Club’s goals & development go through an unprecedented rapprochement between 2 disciplines: finswimming and lifesaving, these 2 sports have many points in common, which can help each others discipline. The CSB (Club Sauvetage Bastogne) hopes to begin participation in finswimming competitions since early 2019. One of the target will be to organize this year 2019, again, The Patrick Sastre and Jean-Bernard Dupont Memorial, a 50 m pool competition which mix finswimming and lifesaving during the same day, around november 2019. Next year, 2020, CSB will also organize a competition in his own 25 m pool at Bastogne.
Picture ©2019 – l’avenir.net
Contact : Burak Basturk – FB : https://www.facebook.com/novabis
Contact : CSB – FB : https://www.facebook.com/sauvetagebastogne
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/burak_basturk_belgium/