The Executive Committee of the FISU (International University Sports Federation) has assigned to the CUSI (Italian University Sports Center) and, consequently, to FIPSAS the organization of the 1st edition of the University Finswimming World Cup. The event will take place in Lignano Sabbiadoro (UD), at the Bella Italia Sports Village, from 30 March to 3 April 2022.
For the realization of this prestigious event, a special Organizing Committee has been set up, called “World Cup University Finswimming 2022”. It is chaired by the FIPSAS President, Prof. Ugo Claudio Matteoli. The same also includes the President of the Underwater Activities and Finswimming Sector, Prof. Carlo Allegrini (with the role of Vice President), the President of CUS Udine, Dr. Gian Luca Bianchi (with the role of Vice President) and the members of the Underwater Activities and Finswimming Sector Committee Andrea Mangherini, Stefano Manzi, Massimiliano Popaiz and Luca Tonelli. It should be noted that the Italian candidacy, for the formalization of which the President Matteoli has entered into a fruitful collaboration with the President of CUSI, Dr. Antonio Dima, was strongly desired by CMAS, which evidently places the utmost in the organizational skills of FIPSAS trust.
Moreover, even for the CMAS this event is of utmost importance, since it could serve as a prelude to the inclusion of the discipline of Finswimming within the program of the University World Championships. View the note with which FISU notified CUSI of the assignment of the University World Cup