Yesterday, January 14th 2021, WADA, the World Anti-Doping Agency, published the Court of Arbitration for Sport’s (CAS’s) a full detrailed PDF in wich declared RUSADA, the Russian Anti-Doping Agency, non-compliant with the World Anti-Doping Code. In the 186-page full reasoned decision, WADA imposes a range of associated consequences.
According to what these documents say, Russia will be unable to present the flag and anthem in all international events of any sport, and moreover it will be banned from organizing World Championships and any other international championship (also Paralympic Games) on Russian soil. All this for two years. So we wonder what will become of the Finswimming World Championships scheduled in Tomsk this summer.
However CAS did not agree with all the proposed consequences by WADA, who felt proportionated to the egregious nature of the offences committed by the Russian authorities as they sought to cover up the details of their institutionalized doping scheme.